Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 2 of 100

Well yesterday afternoon I went to an Iron Reps class.  It's a weight-lifting class offered at the gym I go to.  I should mention that I was out of the country for almost 3 weeks and should have eased back into weight-lifting and such.  Nope, not me.  I went at it full gusto - barbell squats and all.  Needless to say that today I hurt just about everywhere (including my neck - what the heck did I do to my neck?!?).   I thought I was going to need a crane to lift me off the chair this morning, my legs hurt so badly!

So, continuing on with my brilliant thought process, I decided that going back to the gym this morning for some cardio on the bike was just what the doctor ordered.  The doctor would probably have ordered rest for aching muscles, but would I have listened anyhow?  nope.   So I did 45 minutes on the bike on level 10.  Now my legs hurt more than ever!

The saga of my incredible genius doesn't end with this.  Whilst at the gym, I noticed a poster for a beginner's boot camp class that starts tomorrow morning.  You guessed it.  I gimped my way over to the front desk and signed up for it and paid.   No, I'm really not a masochist - I swear!


  1. You had me cracking up here! It's a good thing you PAID for that class... when the morning comes and it takes a stick of dynamite to get you out of bed.

    Good for you for going at it with gusto!

  2. Silly girl!! You wouldn't be you if you hadn't done exactly that. Love you!
