Friday, October 15, 2010

Doctor Day

Okay, so I've had some issues with my right boob that I've ignored for some time now.  This being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, however, I've been bombarded with 'go to the doctor if you notice this-and-that'.  So today I went.  He did an exam and scheduled me for a mammogram with ultrasound.  Which I'm going to have on my 40th birthday.  Do I know how to celebrate in style or what?  While booking the appointment, the lady on the phone asked me if I was under 300 pounds and mobile to which I answered, without hesitation, "yes I am".  Five months ago, that would've been a 'no'.  Three and four months ago I would have said "yes, but I'm close to 300".  I figure that I'm far enough away from it now that I don't need to get into explanations.   The doc also ordered up a whack of blood tests and said that the problem might just be hormonal because I've lost a bunch of weight and that can cause hormone changes which can cause changes in the breasts.  I could've told him that I'm  So, we're not overly worried and I'm happy that I had a good day at the gym and an 'atta-girl' from the doc.  For once it was a happy visit - even though I left with an appointment for a mammogram lol.

The boys are going to be out of the house tonight and hubby and I have a romantic night planned.  I'll see you all tomorrow ;)


  1. Good luck on the mammo! And, YAY! for the NSV! "Are you under 300 pounds and mobile?" "YES I AM!!" Wahoo! :D That must have felt great. Deb

  2. Good luck on the mamm. The first time I went I was shocked that at 40 I was the youngest person there! I was surrounded by ladies that called me "dear" and one said, "oh are you old enough for this?" LOL You will come away from that appointment feeling like a spring chicken!

  3. How fun to get to answer that question with "yes I am" !
    I hope your romantic evening was.... very romantic, LOL!

