Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hot 100 update

Here's my update for the Hot 100 challenge:

1)  get a stellar mark in my tax course
 - well I worked on it this week and completed a huge assignment.  I don't have the mark back yet, so I don't know about the 'stellar mark'.  I'll have to let you know next week :)  BUT I did what I was supposed to do, even though it was boring and there were more interesting things going on lol.

2)  go to the gym 42 times in the 100 days
 - I've been at the gym every day this week.  I've done weights, yoga, zumba, bike, treadmill and boot camp.  Boy, I can't wait until I can move my body the way I want to!  Oh, and not being the biggest in the class would be nice too :)  Last night at Zumba I fell during a pivot (not weight-related, just me-related) and some gals around me were concerned.  I told them to go on without me and tell my story LOL.  I love Zumba.   I can do a booty shake without even trying!  I've noticed that I don't need to lower my arms at any point during the one-hour Zumba classes anymore (I would lower them if my heart rate got close to 180, which is supposed to be my top heart rate).  yay!  My heart rate usually only goes as high as 140.  165 is my highest in the boot camp.  Did I tell you that last Sunday a girl puked?  Ya, it's pretty intense but it's effective.  Also, I can now run in 2 minutes stints on the treadmill.  That was absolutely unheard of a few months ago!  Apart from weight dropping, I'm off all the diabetes meds and I'm stronger (yes, I actually see muscle  peeking out from underneath the fat!) and my cardio is so much better.  The Biggest Loser show inspired me to try running on the treadmill.  If those guys can do it, why can't I?  The answer, of course, is that I CAN and now I DO.  Ya, the show has some bad points to it, but I find it helpful.

3)  be under 245 by the end of the 100 days
- well, my food is still good.  If I want a special something, then I budget it for it BEFOREHAND.   One nice thing about working out at this size is that I can burn a heck of a lot of calories in a short amount of time.  30 minutes on the bike at level 10 usually gives me 250 calories burned.  sweet!  So, I'm right on track to achieve this goal.  Take that low thyroid!

Tomorrow is my day off from work, so a busy day at the gym for me.  I plan on 1 hour cardio, 1 hour weights, 1 hour of yoga and then one hour Zumba at night.   What a difference a few months make!

Oops - forgot to tell you all my weight.  263.0 so a loss of almost 2 pounds last week I think. 


  1. I was thinking, as I read about all the stuff you are doing at the gym and your comment that you are the biggest one in the classes... it takes courage and determination to face that and overcome it!

    What a transformation from a few months ago... now you are the Queen of the Gym! I officially dub thee "Weight Loss Warrior"! :-D


  2. Hi - found your blog via Loretta

    I love the 42 days of 100 exercise goal - much more my speed than the people I see w 100 of 100 as the goal (so easy to fail that!)

    wow you are doing really well w your weight and lifestyle changes - I'm impressed!

  3. 2 lbs is awesome. Keep up the good work. Every bit counts. Found you through the Hot 100. Keep moving!

  4. Your workouts sound great! I tried zumba on vacation in June, a few times, and liked it but was sooooo uncoordinated.

  5. Girlfriend, you are kicking butt! I'm awe inspired. How can I keep up with that! Push me, girl, push me. :)

  6. Congrats on your 2lb. loss! I've thought about trying Zumba.

    Found you via Loretta and am a new follower!
